I taught that to myself

OK, So...
School taught me what's 9x3. They taught me a whole chapter about what's there inside a just 1 mm thick leaf. They taught me how mountains form. They taught me what's the permeable. They taught me how to read a Shakespeare.
But...they didn't teach me how to cope up with a heart-break. They didn't teach me how to deal with losing a best friend, an unsaid goodbye, unforgettable memories and a close ones' death. They never taught me to how to stand a heart-pain, how to cope with my-heart-is-pounding-so-hard-that-it-may-burst kind of beating.
They did taught me that alcohol and smoking kills. But, well its damn good to let my throat burn instead of my heart. It's good to numb all the unsolved thoughts inside my head.
They didn't teach me how to stop loving someone who stoped loving you. They didn't warn me that love is dangerous and that people suck. They never taught me how to swim in a puddle of tears.
They taught me what's nyctophobia, aerophobia, phasmophobia but never taught me what's agliophobia, atelphobia and thantophobia.
Life isn't 9x3, it's isn't the way in movies and fairy tales. It's those nights when you lay awake, swallowed with your scars, drowning in tears, hardly breathing and missing that one person and wishing things were different and then just hating yourself for the mess. And the next morning you realise that people suck and you ought to move on and you pick yourself up after being down for so long and you are ready to live. I taught that to myself.

Much love, Nupur.

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